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How can you Simplify Your Skincare Routine?

Today we want to show you how you can simplify your skincare routine. There seem to be two schools of thought with skin care, and they revolve about time.  One group may be interested in drawing things out, in taking that extra minute to really massage the skin, or to pretend they are at the spa.  I’ll be honest, that is the group I am in now!  But it wasn’t always that way.  I remember a busy house, with three children under the age of 9, running a part time business from home, with a husband that was often traveling for business, dogs running about…you get the picture!  If you are experiencing that sort of reality now, here are a few tips:

(1) Take five minutes once a season to assess your skin.  Our skin changes seasonally. The dry, cold winter winds will be dying down soon, and spring will come.  Going through your few key skin care pieces each season will help you put others out of sight, and help you stay streamlined and faster, with less clutter, when you go about your daily routine. Organization only takes a few minutes, but without it, we are left drowning in chaos. Stash what you aren’t using, in a basket under your sink. You want to be aware of expiry dates, but keep what you will use every day, on your counter, in a line up – ready to go!

(2)  Remember why you do it.  I know this may sound remedial, but hang in there with me for a second!  Why do you take the minute or two to cleanse and moisturize your skin?  For the same reason you put the mask on yourself first on a plane, before you help others. If you have no fuel in the tank, you cannot help others. Take the time now to cleanse and moisturize, and you will feel better all day, your skin will have less issues, and you will be fresh to  help others. Don’t feel guilty for taking a minute or two for self care.

(3) Stick to the basics.   Our skin only needs a few basics to be healthy. (1) Your skin needs washed in the morning, even if all you do is rinse it in the shower. Your skin needs cleansed more before bed, especially if you have makeup on. Use a gentle cleanser, makeup remover if you need it, or buy an all in one cleanser that will also help take makeup off, like a cleansing balm.(2) Your skin needs to exfoliate. This is something that is overdone.  You only need to exfoliate 1-2X a week.  When I was younger, I seemed to need it less. See what your skin feels like seasonally. Choose a gentle exfoliator, like the Reveal Exfoliating Facial Foam with AHA fruit acids, and replace our your morning cleanser with that 2x a week. Your dead skin will be removed, and your other products will work better. (3) Moisturizer. This is necessary for almost everyone.  Apply right after patting dry your face after washing, and press into skin. Add eye serum like Awaken around your eye area – one product will not do both areas.  Some younger people will prefer an oil, like our new Serenity Balancing Blue Tansy oil that helps balance oil production. Use once or twice a day. Perhaps use a moisturizer with sunscreen all-in-one for speed, during the day, and use your oil at night.  If you have dry or more mature skin, use your moisturizer first, then apply oil on top.

(4) Do you have to mask? The short answer to this is no.
Especially when you have young children, you do not have the time for a mask. I remember scaring mine with one!  What you can do, is wait until the weekend. You can make a fun show of showing them how you put it on, and /or wait until they are engrossed in something like a TV show that takes fifteen minutes. I used to multi task and wear it while I folded laundry!  Choose a mask that only takes ten minutes, and is right for your type of skin.  If you miss a week or two, it won’t really matter, but try to do this sometimes, for your own self love and self care. Busy week, sure. But take ten minutes extra on a weekend is a great way to remember that you are more than just a busy worker, busy parent, etc.

What is “forest bathing” and how does helps mental and physical health?

Isn’t exercising on a treadmill or reading a book enough to unplug and relax? It turns out, maybe not. We live in a world that is continually moving forward. We buy computers that have faster speed, we subscribe to social media that is instantly updated, and while all of this is exciting, it can also cause stress in many people. It might be that getting physically and mentally healthy may have everything to do with actually being outside. Experts are becoming more and more aware about the benefits of outdoor exercise, including evidence that exercise does improve skin tone and vitality.

Introducing the Japanese art of “Forest bathing”

What is forest bathing? Forest bathing, or “shinrin-yoku,” was coined by Mr. Tomohide Akiyama in 1982, as a way to reconnect with nature. He worried that people would become unbalanced with all of the emerging technology and that they would forget about the peace and beauty of nature. Also called “taking in the forest atmosphere,” the practice means returning to your five senses.

A study analyzing this method of communing with nature was conducted in 2010, and it found that “forest bathing” reduced stress and cortisol levels, and anxiety.  Believe it or not, breathing pine has something to do with this.

The Ayr Skin Care product line was developed by company founder, Kirsten Thomas, who  always had very sensitive skin.  She began developing skincare solutions in 2001, then took cosmetic formulation classes, and got serious about creating a line of products for sensitive skin.  As she hit her 40s and 50s, she wanted strong anti-aging benefits without harsh synthetic products, but that would also be ethical, vegan and cruelty free. Thomas uses Fair trade and organic ingredients in almost everything that the company produces.  She also writes a weekly blog with topics on things like mica mining safety, the dangers of ingredients in skin care, allergens from perfumes, as well as skin care tips for maturing and sensitive skin.

The Ayr Skin Care product line has its origins from creams, serums, soaps and oils Thomas developed to meet her sensitive skin care needs. The company is named after the Scottish coastal town where Thomas’ mother was born – Ayr. More information is available at AyrSkinCare.com, by email at kt@ayrskincare.com  or call (949) 545-6955. 

Kirsten’s cell phone is (949) 280-2166

Read more beauty articles at ClichéMag.com
Images provided by TatumT.Photography (credit: tatum towers) (Tatum Towers) and Nafiseh Asidian

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