WandaVision is the latest installment from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The series follows Marvel Avenger characters Wanda Maximoff and Vision living a seemingly perfect life as a married couple in the suburban town of Westview. The show is produced as a satire of classic television sitcoms with a marvel twist. Each episode is set in a different decade beginning in the 50’s, jumping in and out of present-day. The show is both a glance at life for the MCU post Avengers End Game, and the backstory of how Wanda became the “Scarlet Witch” – Wanda’s official title announced for the first time, only previously used in the comics.
Dottie is introduced in episode two, played by actress Emma Caulfield, as the Queen B of the Westview housewives. Caulfield says about shooting the series, “It was a blast capturing the different decades. The authenticity level was well, next level. Everyone working on this project is a master of their craft.”
Historically, comic books have captured a primarily male demographic, but the MCU has expanded their demographic to women by giving female superheroes leading roles and dynamic backstories. WandaVision is a great example of this. Speaking with Caulfield, I asked why she believed WandaVision was successful at capturing a female audience:
“It gets super boring to see women in distress or inconsequential, or one dimensional. At the heart of this show is a fierce, complex and interesting woman who is complimented by her male counterpart, not overshadowed by him. I want to watch that show. I’m on the show and I want to watch that show.”
The show came to a close in typical Marvel fashion with cliffhangers and suspense, toying with the possibility of a second season. And good news for those who are new to Marvel – you don’t have to be familiar with the entire MCU to understand and enjoy WandaVision.
All episodes have been released on Disney +.
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Images provided by Dean Foreman
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