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Reasons why you Should Start Implementing Home Automation

home automation

Today we want to share a few reasons why you should start implementing home automation. In this day and age, technology is fast evolving to improve our everyday lives. One of the new up and coming trends we’ve seen sweeping the nation this year, is the installation of home automation devices. This is essentially any piece of technology that helps to make your home a smart home.

If you’re not sure what this entails or you’d like to know more about the different smart products on the market, here are a handful of reasons you should start implementing automation around your home.

What Is a Smart Home?

Simply put, a smart home is any changes that can be implemented to improve the efficiency of how we run our homes. It’s all about making our daily life easier by automating tasks around the home – with a little help from technology.

What Are Some of the Smart Home Devices Available?

There are a whole host of different automation devices that are available on the market today. Here are a few products which are taking the world by storm today:

  • Smart Speakers – perhaps the most popular and well-known are smart speakers, such as the Alexa speaker. These voice-controlled speakers allow you to use voice recognition to give commands such as asking it to play a particular song and changing the volume controls
  • Automated Vacuums – imagine never having to vacuum again, sound too good to be true? Well it isn’t! These tricky robot-style contraptions use special sensors, so they know to change direction if they bump into anything while vacuuming their way around a room.
  • home automationSmart Refrigerator – these fridges feature a smart screen incorporating everything from your family calendar, so radio and YouTube so you can be entertained while you’re cooking in the kitchen. They also have built-in cameras that you can access at any time, so you can always check what food you have in on the go.
  • Smart Doorbells – these allow you to speak to delivery drivers from anywhere in the world. Not going to be home? No problem. Simply speak to your delivery driver via your doorbell app and tell him exactly where to leave your package.

Are Smart Home Products Expensive?

It’s no secret that when you opt for the latest technology on the market, it can be costly. But there are alternative ways that you can operate automation around your home for less. Arduino offers an affordable way to control the smart products around your home. If you’ve always enjoyed dabbling in electronic projects, then this could be the perfect option for you. While you may need to research basic programming on how to set up your Arduino controller, it can definitely prove more affordable overall. You can find tonnes of resources at your fingertips if you search online for instructions on how exactly Arduino kits work.

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